Tuesday, May 24, 2011

If We Had Time May 24.2011

I will be talking about how I could change my game. There are two reasons how I could change our game. These reasons are have more time, and how I could change our game.

My first reason is if I had more time. If I had more time I could change my game in many different ways.If I had more time I would try to change my game by fixing it up a little bit more to make it look better and easier to play.

My last reason is how I could change my game. I could change my game by adding moving obstacles to the game that you would have to dodge. I would also would have added drag and drop also.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Game Presentation, Partner Grade, Good And Bad News May 16,2011

I have learned a lot from the other day. That we should really try and make a wrong scene, and that need to really be serious once we got in there and did our presentation. My partner and I did not know I could be that serious once I got up there, but I'd say that me and my partner did well in it. No matter if we did well or not I'd say that we learned a lot in this class and I have been taken this for a few years and I’m sure I’m going to miss it once get in high school.

My first reason is the good things. I think that we done good on our game. We also got good comments about our game. I think that we done very good on our game presentations.

My second reason is the bad thing. The bad thing is that our music started to miss up. We may have got some bad comment but they would have gave us a bad thing about were the music missed up.

My third reason is my partners grade. I think that my partner Kaitlyn done good helping with the game and presenting it. I think that she could have helped with the actions but she didn't do it.

Friday, May 6, 2011

About our game and partner grade 5-2-11

Our game is finally finish and the only thing that I need to do is put some music on our game. We put these things in our game and they are hit test ,buttons, girl moving, and music. I think that our game is pretty good. It starts out as a quiz game then it goes to a fun game. The only thing that I need help with is what kind of music to put on my game. Kaitlyn was talk about the about scene second level and the last scene. I was talking about the title scene first level and the moving scene. Our game is basically about a girl try to go to prom first you have to answer some math problems about square roots, after you get done answer questions you get to move a girl around to hit the right answer.

There are three reasons why. These Reasons are what scenes she made, how she helped, and how she acts.

My first reason is what scenes she made.I think that my partner done good on helping on our game she made most of the scenes and I put them together. She made the first level ,the second level ,the fourth level ,and the last level. I made the title scene ,the moving scene ,the about scene ,and the credits scene.

My second reason is how she helped with the game. She helped with the game by making scenes and trying to help find music to put on our game. She has also helped present the game.

My third thing that I will be talking about is how my partner acts. My partner acts nice and some times mean. Some good thing are that she brings food, and helps with the game. The bad things are that she gets mad at me sometimes.

Now that you know about my game and my partner it is time for mt to leave.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Final game April 22,2011

Well our final game is almost done and we need to get ready for our game demo and game presentations. I had to go back and remove some stuff from our game because it was messing up. I got all the game put together but I just need to get some of the buttons to work. Kaitlyn made some scenes and I made some but I had to put all the game together because Kaitlyn could not do it. We need to get some of the buttons to work so our game can be done.Kaitlyn is not here today so I have to finish the game all by myself. Any ways I had the game done but I saved it on the computer and it deleted. Ever since the game got done I had to go back and remake the game. We have eight levels to play and every game part there is a question before it if you get the question right you get to play the game but if you get it wrong you have to go back and re answer the question.

Friday, April 15, 2011

What I Need To Accomplish April 15,2011

I need to finish the game and put all my scenes together then make new ones. I also need to get the bonus level made,but first I need to get all the scenes to put together. When I get all the scenes done I will make the bonus level. I have to go back and make the hit test work again the connect all the scenes then I will be done.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What We Changed Through Out The Game 1-11-11

I am going to be talking about three things that we have changed since the beginning of school to now. There are three reasons why I am going to be talking about the topic. These reasons are hit test, buttons, and a bonus level.

My first reason is the hit test. We were going to make everything just buttons until we decided to put hit test to our game. We got the hit test to work like three weeks ago thanks to Billy. We got aggravated a few weeks before we got the hit test to work I and wanted to change them into buttons now that we got the hit test to work it made the game better.

My second reason is the buttons. We have got all the buttons to work but we wanted to get drag and drop to work but we could never get it to work. So we changed drag and drop to buttons.

My third reason is that we are making a bonus level. We are making a bonus level because I think that it will make the game fu to play. We are going to have six buttons that you will click on to take you to a bonus level that you want to play.

Now that you know my three reasons about how we changed our game I can leave now. We have made many accomplishments to our game but we did not put them on the team page yet.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Peer Evalutions 3-31-11

I will be talking about our peer evalutions. There are three reasons why I will be talking about this. These reason are the good news, the bad news, and what we need to do and finish our game.

My first reason is that the groups said that we had good graphics and good movement. They also said they like the colors and the fonts. I have learned that I has good action scripting and they liked the title scene.

My second reason is the bad news. Some people colors did not match like black blackgrounds with dark color fonts and light color fonts with light backgrounds. The groups told me the only things that we need done is getting the hit test to go to the right scenes. They also said that we need to get some of our buttons to work.

My third reason is what we need to do to finish the game. I need to put all the game scenes together. I got most of the game scenes together but not all of them. I need to get the hit test to work. I am tring to get the drag and drop to work but so far it don't looke like it is working out.

Now that you know my good and bad news and what I need to accomplish. I am going to try to get some one to help me with hit test and drag and drop.